U saradnji sa "Custom shirts by W" uradili smo jednu trenerku al ovde sam iskoristio samo gornji deo, al ovih dana cu celu u kompletu slikati. Volim stil Kanye Westa tako da sam se za ovaj post inspirisao njegovim stilom :) ja bih nosio bilo sta samo da ima cibzare sto se moze videti i iz prilozenog :)
Sve najbolje
In cooperation with the "Custom shirts by W" We did a tracksuit but here, I used only the top part, but these days I'll shoot the whole tracksuit. I love Kanye West's style so I was inspired by his style for this outfit :) I would wear just about anything that has a zipper which can be seen from the attached :)
All the best!
Imaš baš lep blog. Samo povećaj slike, ubaci dugme Follow on Bloglovin..i, pa pokaži nam lice haha. Sve najbolje. :*
ОдговориИзбришиHvala punooo,
Избришиevo dodao sam dugme upravo :D
e i meni je malo postalo glupo sto secem glavu tako da cu valjda danas objaviti lice :)
Hvalaa :*