

Ovaj blog biće namenjen prvenstveno muškarcima koje zanima moda,ali ne preterano. Moda za ulicu tj "Street Fashion"

Želeo sam da pokrenem ovo jer imam utisak da postoji mnogo ljudi tj muškarac koji traže taj jedan blog gde će odeća biti moderna i nosiva bez preterivanja i bez preskupih komada odeće.

Nikad nisam voleo previše da se ističem odećom (pogotovo ovde u Srbiji) ali sam uvek voleo da dobro izgledam i pratim te neke pristupačne modne trendove.

Nadam se da će vam se dopasti i da će te uživati kao što ću ja uživati vodeći ovaj blog!



This blog is intended primarily for men that are interested in fashion, but not that much. Fashion for street ie "Street Fashion"
I wanted to start this cause i have a feeling that theres a lot of people ie muškarac that is looking fot that one blog where clothes are gonna be modern without overdoing it and without over-pricez clothes.

I never liked to stand out with clothes (
especially here in Serbia) but i always liked to look good and follow affordable fashion trends.

I hope that your gonna like it
and that your gonna enjoy this blog as much as im gonna enjoy running it!

Best wishes!

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