Fall Preparations



Pre svega Septembar mi nikad pre nije došao, a verujem i vama. Srećan povratak u školu svima koji su krenuli!

Moje omiljeno doba je jesen, i baš se radujem što nam je toliko blizu. Zapravo zbog vremena i temperature, kao da je već tu.

Najviše volim da se slojevito obučem, duks i preko neka jaknica kao u ovoj kombinaciji.
Za danas sam iskombinovao ovaj crni duks sa ovom veoma zanimljivom teksas jaknom iz H&M Trend kolekcije. Kako nisam želeo da ceo outfit bude crne boje, obukao sam ove karirane pantalone koje su malo šire i koje sam skoro iskopao iz ormara.
Naravno, moj svakodnevni statement su bele patike, a ove su veoma zanimljive jer imaju dupli djon.

Kako se vama svidja ovaj outfit?


First of all, September came too early for me this year. I wish you all a happy back to school!

My favorite season is fall and im so happy that its almost here. Actually because the weather is acting up here, it's almost like it's fall already.

I love to layer my clothes, a hoodie and a jacket is my all time favorite combo.
I paired this black hoodie with this amazing denim jacket both from H&M Trend. As i didn't want to go all black with my outfit, i wore these plaid pants that are super baggy and that i rediscovered few days ago.
Al always, my everyday statement are white sneakers and these ones are super cool with double sole.

How do you like this outfit?

  • Jacket - H&M
  • Hoodie - H&M
  • Pants - ALCOTT&CO
  • Shoes - SPRINGFIELD 
  • Sunglasses - LINDEX

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