SFW : Fashion Blogging Seminar


for you today i have something a bit different. As you already know, i was invited by Serbia Fashion Week this season to participate in their activities for Fashion Bloggers. One of the activities included teaching a seminar about fashion blogging.

Knowing i have a huge anxiety when i have to do public speaking appearances, i decided to try and go thru with it it. Marina , Branka, Tatjana and I were on the panel.

I focused in my speech more about the topics that i get asked everyday on my social media like "How do you make money from blogging" , " How can i get a brand to sponsor me " and all the other questions regarding the earning side of blogging.
I tried and remember all the things i wanted too say but it just wasn't happening. I stumbled with my speech and i tried to stay on track, but clumsy me didn't quite get thru the whole speech before admitting to audience that i have a huuuge stage fright and that i hope that they don't hold that against me.

After all that anxiety and fright i kinda managed to share with the audience my feelings and experiences about the industry even with those few stumbles. Surprisingly, after the speech, i really got great feedback from the audience. At the end, they really understood everything i wanted to tell them, even tho i didn't expect it. They even said they liked my honesty and realness about having problems with public speaking.

I wanted you to read this from my experience, as i tried to overcome my public speaking anxiety and at the end i wanted to thank everyone who came and supported us at this seminar! Thank you once again, and if you are reading this and wanted to learn something more from me, you can always shoot me an email!


Za danas imam malo drugačiji post za vas. Kao što sam već spomenuo, pozvani smo od strane Serbia Fashion Week-a da učestvujemo u svim aktivnostima vezanim za blogere. Jedna od tih aktivnosti bio je i seminar o modnim blogerima na kom smo predavali.

I ako se već godinama borim sa užasnom tremom i anksioznošću kada treba da govorim pred većom publikom, odlučio sam da prihvatim ponudu u nadi da ću možda tako i da prevazidjem to, a i iskreno, ne znam ko bi odbio ponudu da predaje na seminaru o temi koja mu je veoma draga. Pored mene, na seminaru su predavale i Marina, Branka i Tatjana.

U svom izlaganju više sam želeo da se posvetim temama i pitanjima koje me svakodnevno pitate na društvenim mrežama. "Kako zaraditi od bloga", " Kako dobiti sponzorstva od brendova" i ostala pitanja vezana za tu temu.
Ponavljao sam svoj govor par puta, da slučajno ne bi nešto zaboravio ali jednostavno kada sam krenuo, trema je preovladala. Više puta sam se, da kažem "zapucao" i nisam znao gde da počnem i nastavim, ali naravno, priznao sam publici da imam ogromnu tremu i da prosto imam problem sa javnim govorima.

Posle sve te frke i treme, donekle sam i uspeo da objasnim to što sam želeo i što sam smatrao da je bitno za sve koji možda žele da naprave blog. Na moje veliko iznenadjenje, posle moje "prezentacije" prišlo mi je dosta ljudi koji su želeli da mi pruže podršku i kojima nije smetala moja trema, čak šta više im je bilo slatko.

Nadam se da ćete iz mog iskustva možda i vi odlučiti da pobedite svoje strahove i tremu, i da će vam ovaj primer pomoći. Na kraju, želim da se zahvalim svima koji su došli da nas podrže, i veliko hvala na ogromnoj podršci. Sledeći put će biti bolje sa moje strane, obećavam!

Pogledajte i moj novi Vlog sa svim revijama sa Serbia Fashion Week-a!

Photo by : Bojan Čokić Photography

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