

Sorry for my absence, i writed in the previous post about the situation in my country so that was really the reason!

 The situation is not yet stabile so if you can help even a little, you can check out my PREVIOUS POST where i left a pic of the PayPal account for help!

This outfit came to me accidentally since i decided to shoot couple of looks yesterday and i just got this espadrilles so i just mixed the stuff that i had on me and just added some little things!

Im not really a fan of white pants but this is the only one that i have and as summer is approaching i kinda lean towards them and other lighter stuff!

Ne post-ujem redovno i izvinjavam se, kao što sam pisao u prethodnom postu a i verovatno svi znate da je situacija u državi i dalje loša tako da sam se malo udaljio od bloga.

Situacija i dalje nije stabilna tako da ako možete da pomognete barem nekako, možete poslati SMS na 1003 ili preko PayPal-a (Sliku sam postavio u PRETHODNOM POST-u)

A što se tiče outfita, sasvim slučajno sam odlučio da slikam ovaj outfit!
Juče sam išao da islikam par outfita odjednom i u pauzi sam skontao da sam dobio na poklon ove espadrile tako da sam hteo njih da slikam i uzeo sam ove bele pantalone koje do sad i nisam baš voleo ali kako se bliži leto i lepo vreme sve više biram bele i svetle stvari!


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